It has
become clear to many that we have entered a period of Peak Oil, that
is, global production is at or near its all-time high, and will
shortly start coming down. Since the single greatest use of
petroleum is for the automobile, and since the automobile has been
designed, marketed, and produced as an oil-eating machine, it seems
reasonable to conclude that simultaneous with the peak of oil
production shall come the peak of automobile production. That which
oil giveth, oil can taketh away.
It has become clear to many that we have entered a period of Peak
Oil, that is, global production is at or near its all-time high, and
will shortly start coming down.[1] Since the single greatest use
of petroleum is for the automobile,[2] and since the automobile has
been designed, marketed, and produced as an oil-eating machine, it
seems reasonable to conclude that simultaneous with the peak of oil
production shall come the peak of automobile production. That which
oil giveth, oil can taketh away.
The primrose path

The automobile is the yet invented by humankind.[3] The Union of Concerned
Scientists rates it at number two, behind nuclear weapons, but
automobiles continue to kill more than 40,000 people per year in the
U.S. alone.[4] More ominously, doomsday
scenarios involving the effects of petroleum use may be scarier than
the nuclear winter warnings advanced in the 1980s. Petroleum, and
therefore by extension the automobile, are directly responsible for
three impending catastrophes: global warming, peak oil, and the
resultant oil wars. In addition, oil contributes to perhaps the
worst future scenario, general global ecological overshoot and
collapse. It is the interactions and feedback loops among these
problems, with petroleum/automobiles at their core, that should give
pause to everyone on the planet.
To use the terminology of the authors of The Limits of Growth:
The 30-year update ,[5] petroleum creates both a source
and a sink problem. When modeling the use of resources in the
long-term, we want to know if the resource is being used up, and if
so, at what rate. We want to know if the output of the resource
during use can be handled by a “sink”, in the same way water
harmlessly goes down a sink, or whether the sink will overflow and
affect the rest of the system.
Petroleum is a nonrenewable resource. There is no way to
replenish stocks. Strictly speaking, then, there is always a source
problem with oil, since eventually it will all go away. As the
anti-Peak Oil writers never tire of telling us, people have been
warning about the imminent end of the supply of oil for one hundred
years. There is a very good reason this happened: Oil is going to
run out, and we don’t really know when. It would therefore seem to
be the height of folly to build an entire industrial system based on
the substance. There were two main reasons why this is exactly what
The invasion of the economy snatchers
First, consider the automobile. Not exactly the automobile, but
more precisely, the automobile companies. In fact, it’s not even
true to talk of the automobile companies in the 1920s, since the
banks during this period were busy squeezing out many of the
original owners as the bankers came to understand that the
automobile had become the kind of money source that the railroad had
been a generation earlier, as Linda Minor has shown.[6]
In fact, the automobile-financial complex did its best to destroy
the utility of the railroad industry so that it could leave people
with only one “choice”, the automobile. Even greater than the power
to force people to choose one among many alternatives is the power
to affect which choices one has in the first place. Such was the
modus operandi of the “Highway Lobby”, that conglomeration of car,
auto, and tire companies that bought up local trolley and bus
companies, killing them, and pushing for the use of government to
create a “free market” of automobiles.[7]

Apparently, there was a complex process whereby the cultural
appeal of the United States transformed itself into the universal
desire of all societies to have the same miserable system of
highways and cars as the U.S.; witness China and even India’s mad
rush. There are now over 500 million automobiles in the world.[8]
As we see so vividly now, the same banking and financial complex
that helped bring the automobile industry in the U.S. into existence
is now presiding over its demise. Wall Street egged on Ford, GM and
Chrysler in the 1980s and 1990s, applauding the transformation of
those companies from companies that made cars to companies that sell
SUV and light trucks, vehicles that now account for up to two/thirds
of their output and all of their vehicle profits. Maximum short-term
profits were made out of minimum oil prices. But now the companies
have “legacy” costs, in other words, their thousands of workers who
actually created the profits for these companies and Wall Street for
decades need pensions, so as far as Wall Street is concerned the car
companies can go bust. Instead of redirecting capital into a new,
sustainable transportation and energy system, the U.S. financial
system is doing to the entire U.S. manufacturing economy what it has
done to the car industry; it is milking it for its assets, and then
tossing aside its worthless hull.
And oil begat more oil
The second major impetus to petroleum addiction in the 20th
century was oil’s use for the military. A coal-powered tank will not
do. Not being limited to railway networks when transporting troops
or equipment means using troop carriers, trucks, and tanks. No
military has plans to convert to solar gliders or wind-operated
tanks, thank you. The military has translated its oil addiction into
its top priority[9] in order to not only
safeguard gas for the consumer, but more importantly, petroleum for
its tanks, planes, and ships. The military’s top priority should
actually be to maintain the health of the manufacturing base on
which it depends to build those tanks, planes, and ships; but
apparently the military has the same disease as their corporate
brethren -- they seem to think they can just buy the machinery from
anyone that they want.

As the declining supply of oil becomes clear, as Michael T. Klare
shows in Blood and Oil , the potential for great power war
will rise greatly. Currently the U.S., Russia, and China are playing
a “great game” of power in the Central Asian and Persian Gulf areas,
trying to jockey for position. The U.S. would like to use its
military dominance to force China in particular to bend to its will,
if oil should become short in supply. In the extreme case, the
military of the U.S. and other countries will be forced to squander
much of their remaining petroleum reserves in a vain but bloody
attempt to postpone the state of immobilization that will accompany
a final collapse in oil supply.
Car, sweet car

The automobile-dominated transportation system would be very
expensive to replace, but not as expensive as rebuilding the housing
and commercial building stock that was located on the assumption of
cheap gas, highways and automobiles.[10] Housing stock within the cities
has been starved, so that now the only real housing construction is
for upper class residents. The middle class has no choice but to
move to the suburbs, as this author can attest, and once in the
suburbs, the configuration of shopping, schools, and transportation
networks conspires against the would-be pedestrian or cyclist (at
this writing, your intrepid reporter is only just surviving without
a car).
In his book Collapse , Jared Diamond argues that the
ability to change a “core value” is one of the most important ways
to avoid catastrophe. The automobile has become a core value. It is
valued for its own sake; most people cannot even imagine a life
without cars. And so it is that an entire civilization has been
built on a transitory pool of boiled-down ancient algae.
Is that all there is?
The choice of the use of the nonrenewable resource of petroleum
has been driven by the automobile and the military. The awareness of
the precariousness of the supply of this choice of fuels, the
concept of peak oil, seems to rise or fall depending on today’s
price of gasoline at the pump. The inevitable pre-election drop in
oil price has latter-day Panglosses crowing about the fading away of
Peak Oil ideas and Prius hybrid cars.[11] Figuring out the true state of
global oil supply is not only a scientific problem, but involves the
political problem of trying to get information from people who
profit from not providing it. That civilization goes blithely
driving along without a thorough understanding of how much -- or how
little -- petroleum is left underground is mind-boggling.
The other half of the problem of oil, the capacity of the earth’s
ecosystems to act as a sink, is dominated by the problem of global
warming. At this point, however, the understanding of global warming
has not yet moved from the frontal lobes of the brain of most people
into the parts that really matter, the reptilian part of the brain,
the part that understands whether that problem is
my problem. In particular, the image of global warming
in no way outweighs the emotional attachment to the automobile,
which is the major culprit in the production of global warming.
The idea of global warming as a warning has the advantage over
peak oil that it is presently more readily acknowledged. Also,
unlike peak oil, the scientific evidence is not being jealously
guarded by particular governments or oil companies. Unfortunately,
however, there has probably been much less money spent on the
science of global climate systems than on the science of finding
petroleum, so that one of the most important scientific questions in
modern history has been underfunded.
Often those warning of global warming ignore the issue of peak
oil. There may be a certain comfort in proposing policy for global
warming without acknowledging peak oil, because the sense of urgency
can be minimized enough to have a nice rational conversation about
the problem. If there really is a peak oil problem, urgency could
easily turn to some form of panic. The discussants might start
thinking, “Now it’s getting serious”. Advocating general reductions
of so-and-so percentage in carbon emissions in general is one thing;
looking over the cliff to find that, whatever one wishes to do, the
supply of petroleum will inevitably go down by such-and-such
percentage, is to feel powerless. And powerful people don’t like to
feel powerless.
The peak oil problem could intersect in a particularly vicious
way with the global warming problem if people become so hysterical
that they exacerbate global warming by trying to replace the
dwindling oil with gasoline from coal or tar sands, among other
Jumpin’ Jack Flash
This is where a certain amount of energy literacy becomes
critical, in particular, the idea of energy return on energy input
(EROEI).[12] That is, if you use about the
same amount of energy to produce energy as the energy you eventually
wind up with, you really shouldn’t even try, particularly if you’re
polluting and global warming in the process. It is not a good sign
that people are able to jump on the Jack 2 discovery in the Gulf of
Mexico without understanding that obtaining oil from far below the
ocean’s surface is not a very economical way to find gasoline for
your car.[13] The same will apply to coal and
tar sands, but the lure of alleged trillions of barrels of unleaded
regular may have an intoxicating affect. Even the current attempts
to obtain the increasingly limited supplies of oil is making the
global warming problem worse, as more and more petroleum is needed
to pump out less and less “black gold”.

Living in the promised land
How is the typical suburban person supposed to formulate the
global warming problem? Unless you live in a big city with an
efficient mass transit system, there is not much you can
Recently on Bill Maher’s HBO Friday night talk show, the very
liberal Massachusetts congressman Barney Frank had an elucidating if
depressing interchange with none other than Gandalf, Sir Ian
Mckellan. The great wizard pointed out that by living in London, he
didn’t need a car anymore. The great liberal complained, incredibly,
that people who needed to make 45 minute commutes to work had been
“promised” the ability to make that trip in their car using cheap
gasoline. He then proposed temporarily lifting the already anemic
gasoline tax. The Democrats in the coming election are in the absurd
position of blaming the oil companies for high prices and high
profits, which of course is all true, but they are thereby whistling
past the grave. Oil prices will continue to go up, and the sooner we
put in place a different transportation system, the better.
Peak oil will make global warming worse if people try to solve
the peak oil problem by simply substituting coal or tar sands for
petroleum. An acknowledgement of peak oil by trying to wean the
society from the automobile would probably help global warming, as a
real attempt to deal with global warming could help avoid a
traumatic oil shock. Unfortunately, there is a way to solve both
problems at once and make our problems even worse: getting fuel from
Peak Food
Rearing its ugly head behind and above the global warming and
peak oil problems is the scenario that may be summarized in the term
global ecological overshoot and collapse. To
oversimplify, we may eventually run out of food and water because
soils and freshwater stocks are being destroyed. If the
transportation and energy system are disrupted, it will be a
disaster, but if the food and water run out, then the ecosystems
that can provide food and water in the future will collapse, and
then the Unmentionable could happen -- humans could go extinct,
along with a good percentage of the rest of the species on the
One problem with the overshoot problem, besides being so scary,
is that it is more difficult to boil down into a sound bite. Global
warming is easy to summarize -- The earth is getting too
hot. Peak oil sound bite: We’re running out of oil
. Overshoot? Because forests are being cut down and grasslands
are being overgrazed and crops are being grown by overusing the
soil, the soil is eroding; and because fishing technology has become
much too efficient most fishing stocks are collapsing; and because
underground freshwater aquifers are being depleted, and global
warming is melting the snow that used to make freshwater (like the
Yellow and Yangtze rivers), we’re going to have much too little
usable farmland to feed six billion or eight billion or even maybe
two billion people, and they won’t have enough water either, and
besides, pollution is contaminating the water and soil that is
left.[15] Whew! That’s going way into the
commercial break.

I didn’t even point out that natural gas and petroleum is used in
enormous quantities to grow the crops that are destroying the soils,
and the natural gas-derived fertilizers are creating huge “dead
zones” in the oceans, like the one in the same Gulf of Mexico that
the Jack 2 oil deposit was found, and that such petroleum use is
contributing to peak oil and global warming. When the oil runs out,
so will much of the food.
Biomass delusion
Some have calculated that in order to grow enough biomass to be
able to fill up all the SUVs and other petroleum-sucking
technologies in the U.S., more agricultural land would need to be
used than currently exists.[16] One of the main reasons that
the Amazon and the Indonesian rainforests are being felled is in
order to make palm oil, used for manufactured goods, and
increasingly, diesel oil.[17] Ethanol made from corn is very
inefficient, and the more efficient sugar-cane ethanol from Brazil
is being shut out from the U.S. free market paradise. That sugar
cane is more and more being grown at the forests’ expense.
Missing the forest for the profits
Forests are one of the main carbon sinks, that is, they absorb
much of the carbon emissions humanity spews, and they are much
better at it than biofuel crops. Forests also keep soil from
eroding. So if biofuel production results in forest destruction,
biofuels will do more harm than good.
The destruction of the forests is actually the second-head of the
two-headed monster of the energy crisis, because half of the world’s
trees are cut down in order to provide heat and timber for people in
developing countries. While the rich destroy the biosphere by
getting energy from fossil fuels, the poor do the same by using
The poor of the earth need to be able to generate their
pathetically small amount of energy without destroying the remaining
forests. The technology is there, as for instance simple solar
heaters, but it would take either the elites of those countries or
the rich of the planet to provide this most basic form of capital,
because the poor can’t afford it. This is one of the central
proposals in Lester Brown’s book, Plan B .
Global warming will make the state of the forests worse and the
destruction of forests makes global warming worse. Theoretically,
forests will advance to higher latitudes, but this process will take
too long to provide the carbon-sinking services needed to avoid the
positive feedback cycle of destroyed forests leading to even worse
global warming because, not only will the forests not be there to
soak up the carbon, they will start to release carbon
as they decompose and are burned by fire, just as fossil fuels are
releasing built-up natural carbon.
Round and round it goes
The worst nightmare situation would be a return to what is
prosaically called the Permian boundary.[18] Now the focus of a fair amount
of research, it appears that 250 million years ago, the earth
underwent a global warming that was so bad that over 90% of the
species where wiped out. This disaster probably created the
ecological space for the dinosaurs to emerge and dominate, until
they were wiped out by a meteor 65 million years ago, leading to the
ecological space for mammals and then humans to emerge, leading to…
well, the species that fails to learn the lessons of history is
doomed to repeat them.
We are beset by positive feedback loops. Peak oil could lead to
the use of worse greenhouse gas generators. Global warming in
conjunction with forest destruction is leading to the breakdown of
agricultural systems and water sources, which will lead to wars over
food and freshwater. Declining supplies of oil will lead to less
food and more wars for oil. Wars will use up oil, ensconce people in
power who have no desire or ability to peacefully or sustainably
solve these problems (such as the current U.S. administration). And
mostly because of the automobile.
We return to regularly scheduled programming
But what was that they’re talking about on the TV news?
Terrorism? What? Abortion? Gay marriage? Excuse me? Those are
threats to civilization? Who knew! Wait, here comes a commercial…I
guess I could always feel better by going out and buying a car.
[Part 2 will explore an alternative to Peak Automobiles and its
consequences. Jon Rynn’s blog at
contains information
about new articles and data concerning these and other problems.
You can contact Jon Rynn directly on his .
You can also find old blog entries and longer articles at Please feel free to reach him at
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Dr. Colin
Campbell, founder of the Association for the Study of Peak Oil &
Gas , is
on the advisory board of Sanders Research. [2]
According to
Charles Komanoff, in his Ending the Oil Age , Table 1, in the
U.S. the automobile uses 40.7% of oil, trucks use 12.7% of oil, air
7.8%, the military 1.5%.
For a good
list of reasons, see
Meadows, Jorgen Randers, and Dennis Meadows, Limits to Growth:
The 30-year update (Chelsea Green, 2004).
Influence and Misplaced Power ”, July 13, 2006, Linda Minor.
Jane Holtz
Kay, Asphalt Nation: How the automobile took over America and how
we can take it back , 1998.
In Michael T.
Klare’s Blood and Oil: The dangers and consqequences of America’s
growing dependency on imported petroleum , the interweaving of
oil and the military is shown in gory detail.
According to
the Survey of Current Business, September 2006, Page 23, the current
cost of residential assets is $15.8 trillion. Nonresidential
structures are $8.8 trillion.
For instance,
from, we have “Peak
Oil” or Lots more oil?".,
For instance,
see Richard Heinberg’s The Party’s Over: Oil, war and the fate of
industrial societies , second edition, 2005.
For example,
see an article at about Jack
See Limits
to Growth , although they do not discuss extinction or what a
collapse would look like.
The best books
I am aware of at this point are Limits of Growth and
Lester Brown, Plan B, version 2 , 2006
For one
discussion, see pages 171-175 in The Party’s Over.
For example,
“Impact from the Deep” by Peter Ward in Scientific American ,
October 2006. |